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What's more, as the new realm seems to work like a charm, we have had some serious progress in PVE. Finally. Sisu has now officially squished C'thun, and onwards to Ouro we march.

Vek'nilash makes the PvE progress a 'bit' more easier, compared to 1000+ pings, continuous disconnects and repeated server crashes. As an example, Naxxramas seems like an entirely new instance , as our forces have penetrated deeper into the spider wing and now stand in front of Maexxna . . . see other news on our progress there! Drops:
* [item]Scepter of the False Prophet[/item]

* [item]Ring of the Fallen God[/item]
* [item]Dark Storm Gauntlets[/item]
* [item]Eye of C'thun[/item]
* [item]Carapace of the Old God[/item]
* [item]Husk of the Old God[/item] 


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