Author Topic: Friend or Fowl?  (Read 2814 times)


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Friend or Fowl?
« on: Tue 02 Dec, 2008 23:35 »
It has been pretty silent on our news front since the lauch, but for a reason as there has not been much to report. During the first days we got a couple of the server first class and race achievements to the guild, congratulations to Sundo and Mallorn for them. Of raid achievements I think "Sartharion with no drakes up" achievement went to a pickup group, and Ace managed to snatch Naxxramas and Malygos a bit before the other guilds.

We have not been rushing too much with raid progress, but there really has not been any need for it as the content we currently have in the game is tuned for easier access. And easier access is this case means that even a guild with a modest record like us does not encounter much difficulties while clearing all of it. I think it is a good thing that the content is more easily accessible to people, but hopefully we will see the next patch soon as it should contain more challenges to the raiding guilds. And some more server first achievements to reach for.

We will see when the harder achievements currently in the game will be reached on Vek'nilash. It seems that defeating Sartharion with three drakes up is the hardest one at the moment, in both 10man and 25man raids. The world first kills of them are not that old, so I am certain it will take time to see the first time we get one on our server. Feel free to prove me wrong.