
View Erid's profile in the Armory.

Present from 21:03 to 21:06 (93 %)
DPS time : 0mn (0 % of presence)
HPS time : 2mn (99 % of presence), HPS : 1260

Damage dealt to foes : 0 (0 %)
Damage received : 0 (0 %), heals received : 8 912, overheal on this player 100 %
Effective heals on friends : 48 251 (11 %)

Holy Light168 21493 % 3430384691144637728829 %75 %
Flash of Light13 2767 % 71572162812272227212 %53 %

Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Vampiric Touch (Mana)6 82014048289
Illumination (Mana)4 23915282504
Restore Mana (Mana)2 786127862786
Mana Spring (Mana)990661515
Spellsurge (Mana)260261010
Blessing of Lower City3
Healing Power2
Light's Grace2
Divine Illumination1

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Svebe169 5355133247288
Iceran3 762218812341
Cablos3 509135093509
Snarkki2 412124122412
Hammurab2 272122722272

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Finl8 91242212867