Author Topic: Where Is Everybody?  (Read 2898 times)


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Where Is Everybody?
« on: Thu 18 Dec, 2008 22:48 »
So, the easier version of the hardest encounter so far in Wrath of the Lich King was defeated by us, in the not-so-usual way for us as it was also a server first on Vek'nilash. There lies Sartharion the Onyx Guardian, who finally was subdued even with the help from all of the three little helpers available.

By easier I naturally mean the 25 man version, because after all it allows quite a lot of mistakes to still clear it all through successfully. Of course it did take us four nights to reach that point so it was not all just a one big merry-go-around, but hopefully you get the point. So far the 10 man encounter seems to be really more demanding, but then again a bit more optimal grouping than we have had so far might help. That probably will be the next target for the more enthusiastic of us.

And also congratulations for Dahakon, our mighty guild master and eternal supply of support, who was given the first Reins of the Twilight Drake. The rest of the loot was crap though and thus not really worth mentioning.