
View Lemmink?inen's profile in the Armory.

Present from 21:12 to 21:18 (100 %)
DPS time : 0mn (0 % of presence)
HPS time : 3mn (62 % of presence), HPS : 759

Damage dealt to foes : 0 (0 %)
Damage received : 4 119 (0 %), heals received : 13 707, overheal on this player 70 %
Effective heals on friends : 68 534 (6 %)

Healing Wave124 94573 % 332707485993954681321 %62 %
Chain Heal39 71523 % 151943368733520422017 %46 %
Lifebloom5 3823 % 21471147112440244033 %100 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Normal4 119100 % 141194119

Miscellaneous applied
Wrath of Air Totem4
Tremor Totem3
Mana Spring Totem3
Strength of Earth Totem2
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Mana Tide Totem (Mana)2 7844696696
Mana Spring (Mana)2 1241131819
Blood Pact1
Nature's Swiftness1
Healing Way1

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
High King Maulgar4 119141194119

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Jabuto59 7681931456813
Svebe25 0511025054134
Iceran13 854623094192
Imbacoil13 475526953853
Quadragan10 958427393163
Pehu9 983333274220
Zabang9 692424232965
Lemmink?inen9 482423704100
Miro6 827234136148
Rammj?ger3 580217902150
Powerforward3 514217572809
Verenpisara2 457124572457
Jermi1 401114011401

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Lemmink?inen9 482423704100
Jadeninja4 041140414041