
View Archsin's profile in the Armory.

Present from 21:26 to 21:33 (100 %)
DPS time : 6mn (86 % of presence), DPS : 478
HPS time : 4mn (64 % of presence), HPS : 166

Damage dealt to foes : 182 893 (4 %)
Damage received : 174 674 (7 %), heals received : 210 795, overheal on this player 17 %
Effective heals on friends : 35 336 (2 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Melee52 89129 % 822053516446979735 %6,7 %0,2 %
19 % glancing35171231
Maul31 39717 % 36474503141023110828 %10,7 %0,2 %
Mangle (Cat)31 18317 % 28609749111282166728 %0,2 %
Swipe28 82016 % 791571824635540037 %6,7 %0,7 %
Shred28 72616 % 121074115572261247237 %9,5 %
Rip (Physical)19 65111 % 42467536
Mangle (Bear)7 9954 % 750853341108119336 %8,3 %0,6 %
Reflect (Nature)1 9181 % 752527
Rake (Physical)1 4351 % 11781786144150139239250 %
Lacerate (Physical)8970 % 319301264881626225 %
Improved Leader of the Pack30 90365 % 4765781527 %
Lifebloom9 07019 % 61511168710 %
Regrowth7 39216 % 3143817121421925237 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Normal131 07275 % 8116182656106,2 %
Fire18 51411 % 6308539808,1 %
Frost17 02410 % 91891236621,1 %
Shadow8 0645 % 180648064

Miscellaneous applied
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Primal Fury (Rage)3356755
Bloodlust (Energy, Rage)210121720
Furor (Energy, Rage)18063040
Mana Spring (Mana)150101515
Enrage (Rage)201022
Ancestral Fortitude9
Leader of the Pack6
Feline Blessing6
Track Humanoids4
Cat Form4
Blood Pact2
Dire Bear Form2
Ursine Blessing2
Healing Way2
Commanding Shout2
Devotion Aura1
Battle Shout1
Fire Resistance Aura1
Cenarion Blessing1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Fathom-Lord Karathress62 8211404482472
Fathom-Guard Sharkkis36 3521282841193
Fathom-Guard Tidalvess31 484953311502
Fathom-Guard Caribdis27 636594682010
Fathom Sporebat24 6001271931110
Spitfire Totem19 127483981199
Greater Earthbind Totem2 89347231117

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Fathom Sporebat78 678898842656
Fathom-Guard Sharkkis52 394598882416
Fathom-Lord Karathress31 5051128648064
Fathom-Guard Caribdis9 532713612366
Spitfire Totem2 565125652565

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Archsin42 044587241687
Treme3 47684341712
Svebe1 84544611282

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Deluvia100 4983925764496
Archsin42 044587241687
Hammurab33 4522115922385
Snarkki19 51436542895
Tehruid9 69324403931
Xenicc5 594413982107