
View Xenicc's profile in the Armory.

Present from 22:37 to 22:46 (100 %)
DPS time : 0mn (9 % of presence), DPS : 431
HPS time : 6mn (66 % of presence), HPS : 609

Damage dealt to foes : 20 728 (0 %)
Damage received : 51 136 (4 %), heals received : 43 019, overheal on this player -19 %
Effective heals on friends : 96 682 (9 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Earth Shock (Nature)10 66251 % 61400144821130216725 %
Chain Lightning (Nature)5 45926 % 227292825100 %
Lightning Shield (Nature)2 04410 % 3681682
Melee1 8309 % 1511417530,4 %
6 % glancing1111111
Flametongue Attack (Fire)7334 % 78693112812812 %
Healing Wave171 67678 % 6419552586162908381220 %71 %
Lesser Healing Wave20 6939 % 11188120134 %
Chain Heal16 5548 % 62103266913933393314 %1 %
Master Healthstone5 8243 % 12080208013744374450 %0 %
Nature's Guardian3 2841 % 48219110 %
Prayer of Mending1 3361 % 1133613360 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Normal26 23051 % 2977817763121613319 %6,2 %
Physical12 37524 % 524752475
Shadow7 40714 % 237033765
Arcane2 7975 % 4699783
Fire1 6543 % 27301342119419433 %
Holy6731 % 1673673

Miscellaneous applied
Wrath of Air Totem4
Mana Spring Totem3
Searing Totem3
Prayer of Mending2
Rockbiter 91
Strength of Earth Totem1
Rockbiter Weapon1
Grace of Air Totem1
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Restore Mana (Mana)4 815224072747
Mana Tide Totem (Mana)2 3994599600
Mana Spring (Mana)1 9201281515
Water Shield (Mana)7406123124
Totemic Call (Mana)5115151
Concentration Aura3
Healing Way3
Nature's Swiftness2
Power Word: Shield1
Devotion Aura1
Divine Spirit1
Blessing of Wisdom1
Blessing of Lower City1
Lightning Shield1
Mark of the Wild1
Ancestral Fortitude1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Inner Demon20 728444712825

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Inner Demon22 640239843642
Leotheras the Blind14 151623582475
Greyheart Spellbinder3 765137653765
Rognar2 96839891224
Ashie2 90747261342
Svebe2 10837021331
Barag1 4573485581
Searing Totem VII3122156194

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Lurzh94 3784023593812
Archsin55 2842720473039
Xenicc21 2361415163744
Iceran12 036620062669
Nevynn7 509418772001
Jabebabe6 434232173933
Cablos6 326415812008
Dahakon4 886224432450
Zabang3 979219892300
Valontuoja2 329123292329
Barag1 950119501950
Svebe1 528115281528
Leni1 492114921492

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Xenicc21 2361415163744
Nevynn13 005149282186
Kukkis7 355236774197
Nekograd1 423114231423