
View Jermi's profile in the Armory.

(Pets : Bubi)

Present from 22:41 to 23:00 (97 %)
DPS time : 14mn (76 % of presence), DPS : 647

Damage dealt to foes : 562 423 (5 %)
Damage received : 52 427 (2 %), heals received : 67 187, overheal on this player 22 %
Effective heals on friends : 13 045 (0 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Auto Shot234 76142 % 1896711115671608291126 %1,2 %0,1 %
Steady Shot135 03624 % 1066751011371715270526 %0,1 %
Bubi: Melee83 02715 % 2511833275837362714 %18,0 %0,3 %
26 % glancing109141277
Arcane Shot (Arcane)49 6089 % 4770394782069255915 %1,8 %2,4 %
Serpent Sting (Nature)16 9413 % 921843053,7 %
Bubi: Kill Command13 9082 % 21354506971897330 %11,8 %0,4 %
Bubi: Claw12 1622 % 110841771717031113 %12,4 %0,4 %
Bubi: Screech10 2992 % 122611442113323015 %19,2 %1,0 %
Volley (Arcane)5 0561 % 16316339
Aimed Shot3 4121 % 196296212450245050 %
Multi-Shot3 2691 % 5653731
Prayer of Mending1 8626 % 1186218620 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Arcane27 36852 % 15182421665,5 %
Normal24 09546 % 1417216524
Holy9642 % 1964964

Miscellaneous applied
Prayer of Mending2
Distracting Shot2
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Vampiric Touch (Mana)18 44056432171
Judgement of Wisdom (Mana)4 366597474
Spellsurge (Mana)1 0401041010
Mental Protection Field44
Ferocious Inspiration26
Tree of Life19
Quick Shots16
Fire Resistance Aura14
Ancient Power8
Infernal Protection6
Rapid Fire5
The Beast Within4
Devotion Aura2
Revive Pet2
Aspect of the Cheetah2
Aspect of the Hawk2
Rapid Killing2
Blood Fury1
Healing Way1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Lord Sanguinar85 070889662911
Master Engineer Telonicus73 117848702705
Kael'thas Sunstrider58 320718212627
Grand Astromancer Capernian46 405686821823
Thaladred the Darkener41 655775401742
Phoenix33 176536251741
Phoenix Egg26 889289602086
Devastation17 826218481940
Warp Slicer16 3841411702121
Staff of Disintegration15 532207761328
Phaseshift Bulwark11 174157442356
Cosmic Infuser9 094127571687
Netherstrand Longbow6 43997151306
Infinity Blades1 9463648731
Shiark1 2944323324
Leni1 2354308309
Finl1 2334308309

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Kael'thas Sunstrider27 8252113252166
Thaladred the Darkener14 372347905025
Environment7 200236006524
Phaseshift Bulwark1 201112011201
Cosmic Infuser9641964964

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Jermi1 862118621862

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Nevynn37 792206183240
Nekograd9 891616482258
Shiark8 528421322351
Xenicc4 218221092133
Xfactor3 2374809810
Jermi1 862118621862
Kukkis1 659116591659