
View Itza's profile in the Armory.

Present from 19:37 to 19:45 (100 %)
DPS time : 7mn (93 % of presence), DPS : 551
HPS time : 5mn (67 % of presence), HPS : 456

Damage dealt to foes : 262 044 (6 %)
Damage received : 39 551 (3 %), heals received : 81 397, overheal on this player 51 %
Effective heals on friends : 19 313 (2 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Shadow Word: Pain (Shadow)80 44131 % 1226598903,8 %
Vampiric Touch (Shadow)65 75025 % 1175617895,4 %
Mind Flay (Shadow)56 93622 % 87654851
Mind Blast (Shadow)55 29921 % 181960247372859363628 %2,1 %
Shoot (Shadow)1 8151 % 6302403
Shadow Word: Death (Shadow)1 8031 % 118031803
Vampiric Embrace154 03899 % 134611454689 %
Master Healthstone2 0801 % 1208020800 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Normal19 64750 % 1117864897
Physical13 42434 % 816782125
Shadow4 80512 % 13002300211803180317,2 %
Fire1 6754 % 116751675

Miscellaneous applied
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Vampiric Touch (Mana)11 27030337181
Mana Leech (Mana)4 1628520663
Judgement of Wisdom (Mana)1 110157474
Leader of the Pack5
Power Word: Shield4
Devotion Aura4
Blessing of the Silver Crescent2
Ancestral Fortitude2
Blessing of Protection1
Shadow Word: Death1
Inner Focus1
Healing Way1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Leotheras the Blind242 1203287383636
Inner Demon10 624185902201
Greyheart Spellbinder9 300156202756

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Leotheras the Blind30 0651421474897
Inner Demon7 683710973002
Shadow Word: Death1 803118031803

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Itza32 5022671212080
Iceran30 417266114546
Erid30 413266114546
Reona30 406266114545
Nekograd30 398266114545
Shadowfiend1 98216123317

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Itza32 5022671212080
Erid17 513443786442
Nekograd17 424534847414
Kukkis11 501523003050
Shiark2 457124572457