
View Reona's profile in the Armory.

Present from 20:06 to 20:14 (100 %)
DPS time : 0mn (1 % of presence), DPS : 0
HPS time : 7mn (94 % of presence), HPS : 939

Damage dealt to foes : 0 (0 %)
Damage received : 39 665 (2 %), heals received : 45 594, overheal on this player 13 %
Effective heals on friends : 187 485 (10 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Watery Grave Explosion (Frost)10 3870 % 251935362
Holy Light394 30899 % 12121434910413292472025 %54 %
Master Healthstone3 1201 % 131203120100 %0 %
Lifebloom1 4990 % 1149914998 %
Holy Shock1 3290 % 1132913290 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Normal29 27874 % 93253391522,2 %
Frost10 38726 % 251935362

Miscellaneous applied
Holy Shock1
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Illumination (Mana)6 48941158279
Spiritual Attunement (Mana)3 27222148399
Restore Mana (Mana)2 517125172517
Ferocious Inspiration24
Seal of Light7
Spell Haste6
Light's Grace4
Blessing of Life3
Divine Illumination3
Divine Favor2
Prayer of Mending1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Reona10 387251935362

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Morogrim Tidewalker27 109930123915
Reona10 387251935362
Environment2 169210841105

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Svebe385 89315924274910
Reona8 270420673120
Valontuoja3 158131583158
Lurzh2 935129352935

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Valontuoja14 524436314766
Nekograd13 486433713990
Reona8 270420673120
Xfactor5 415510832341
Sipe3 8999433886