
View Shiark's profile in the Armory.

Present from 19:29 to 19:35 (96 %)
DPS time : 0mn (6 % of presence), DPS : 97
HPS time : 4mn (65 % of presence), HPS : 973

Damage dealt to foes : 2 140 (0 %)
Damage received : 15 140 (2 %), heals received : 23 293, overheal on this player 35 %
Effective heals on friends : 119 949 (12 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Earth Shock (Nature)1 38064 % 1790790159059050 %
Flame Shock (Fire)76036 % 1231231413214125,0 %
Chain Heal237 96197 % 8820384170183252556717 %51 %
Healing Wave6 5593 % 32186285771 %
Prayer of Mending1 6941 % 11694169474 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Nature15 140100 % 24630896

Miscellaneous applied
Wrath of Air Totem5
Tranquil Air Totem4
Mana Spring Totem4
Frost Resistance Totem3
Prayer of Mending2
Fire Elemental Totem1
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Vampiric Touch (Mana)13 01236335149
Mana Tide Totem (Mana)2 7044676676
Mana Spring (Mana)2 4011611415
Water Shield (Mana)1 48112123124
Spellsurge (Mana)300301010
Spell Haste4
Essence of the Martyr4
Healing Way2
Ancestral Fortitude2

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Pure Spawn of Hydross1 3802690790
Hydross the Unstable7605152231

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Hydross the Unstable15 14024630896

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Ciciel33 6141033615567
Hipzu20 582825724287
Antza16 716627865315
Dahakon15 674819593295
Reona14 746818434483
Gazethiel13 772434434367
Leni13 257526514875
Jabebabe13 025621703169
Svebe11 998814993062
Ellinoora11 763619603736
Ashie7 800419504479
Flaatom7 782515562215
Thorgenina7 201324003066
Pehu7 165235824289
Nevynn6 986323283126
Shiark6 676513352470
Valontuoja6 495232473356
Erid6 316231583278
Iceran5 57969291435
Rognar4 550222752922
Muusa4 327221632895
Xfactor3 107131073107
Finl2 933129332933
Thoodhun2 624213122256
Xenicc1 526115261526

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Shiark6 676513352470
Pimu5 76987212583
Xenicc4 47467452170
Erid3 837219182269
Xfactor2 53738451098