
View Valontuoja's profile in the Armory.

Present from 21:12 to 21:19 (100 %)
DPS time : 6mn (98 % of presence), DPS : 252
HPS time : 5mn (74 % of presence), HPS : 101

Damage dealt to foes : 103 381 (2 %)
Damage received : 324 953 (9 %), heals received : 506 623, overheal on this player 36 %
Effective heals on friends : 19 053 (1 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Judgement of Righteousness (Holy)27 39627 % 2985911082123312366 %8,8 %
Seal of Righteousness (Holy)24 84824 % 1371812665,4 %
Melee18 85118 % 118981611817925410 %15,8 %2,0 %
27 % glancing5080139
Consecration (Holy)17 65517 % 1091612236,4 %
Holy Shield (Holy)4 3984 % 17258320
Hammer of Wrath (Holy)3 9574 % 313191425
Vengeance (Holy)2 7893 % 2311116312142144 %5,6 %
Avenger's Shield (Holy)2 3672 % 3789892
Blessing of Sanctuary (Holy)1 1201 % 215366
Improved Leader of the Pack10 00732 % 1376977861 %
Judgement of Light8 17026 % 86959549 %
Earth Shield7 51124 % 593993921408140829 %0 %
Lifebloom3 60012 % 21800187052 %
Prayer of Mending1 7956 % 1179517950 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Normal164 25851 % 3744397968181,1 %4,4 %
Nature160 69549 % 22996303111513453492

Miscellaneous applied
Prayer of Mending2
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Spiritual Attunement (Mana)31 986305104768
Judgement of Wisdom (Mana)8 1401107474
Restore Mana (Mana)2 739127392739
Seal of Wisdom (Mana)1 69414121121
Seal of Righteousness29
Holy Shield12
Ancestral Fortitude5
Avenging Wrath3
Leader of the Pack3
Commanding Shout2
Seal of the Crusader1
Adept's Elixir1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Gurtogg Bloodboil103 3815711811425

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Gurtogg Bloodboil318 96021914567968
Fel Geyser5 993229963031

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Valontuoja31 0831092851870

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Snarkki177 214226784904
Hammurab108 3554524073295
Nekograd88 2332142017677
Erid79 3681844097617
Valontuoja31 0831092851870
Deluvia22 3701218643238