
View Deghos's profile in the Armory.

Present from 18:57 to 22:13 (100 %)
DPS time : 0mn (0 % of presence), DPS : 226
HPS time : 78mn (40 % of presence), HPS : 764

Damage dealt to foes : 9 986 (0 %)
Damage received : 423 952 (2 %), heals received : 483 294, overheal on this player 12 %
Effective heals on friends : 1 913 108 (9 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Smite (Holy)5 85459 % 6975104433,3 %3,9 %
Mind Blast (Shadow)2 48225 % 212411246
Holy Fire (Holy)1 22612 % 1972972550541,0 %
Shadow Word: Death (Shadow)2452 % 124524573,1 %
Touch of Weakness (Shadow)1792 % 1179179
Greater Heal1 399 24939 % 30436936274525315762315 %62 %
Flash Heal703 53920 % 23024463122393613462614 %55 %
Circle of Healing604 45517 % 5548621114971302137115 %37 %
Renew591 10416 % 82371891821 %
Binding Heal250 7387 % 8123002881193390360219 %30 %
Lightwell Renew27 5751 % 191451162750 %
Prayer of Mending8 7320 % 6145516020 %
Lifebloom8 3600 % 7119415288 %
Master Healthstone2 4960 % 1249624960 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Shadow192 77645 % 1496139999930193923720,3 %
Fire120 27128 % 611685450014124718102,0 %
Nature67 22716 % 251823300021103016011,6 %
Normal36 4469 % 26122537021458145814 %55,6 %
Frost7 2322 % 324102935

Miscellaneous applied
Prayer of Mending80
Dispel Magic30
Touch of Weakness4
Superior Mana Oil3
Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Mana Spring (Mana)39 03615642425
Efficiency (Mana)27 700277100100
Restore Mana (Mana)25 783832223946
Spellsurge (Mana)20 4402045910
Mana Leech (Mana)17 876384701073
Mana Restore (Mana)12 60042300300
Mana Tide Totem (Mana)7 60911691701
Devotion Aura49
Tree of Life25
Power Word: Shield20
Brilliance Aura18
Concentration Aura16
Elune's Embrace15
Fear Ward13
Deep Meditation13
Inner Fire10
Greater Blessing of Salvation9
Greater Blessing of Wisdom9
Prayer of Shadow Protection8
Arcane Brilliance8
Prayer of Fortitude8
Crusader Aura7
Well Fed7
Rallying Cry7
Elixir of Draenic Wisdom5
Ancestral Fortitude5
Healing Power5
Inner Focus5
Will of the Forsaken4
Gift of the Wild4
Lightwell Renew4
Mighty Restoration of Shattrath4
Focused Casting2
Blessed Resilience2
Power Word: Fortitude2
Arcane Intellect1
Shadow Protection1
Shadow Word: Death1
Healing Way1
Mark of the Wild1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Archimonde8 946184971246
Abomination1 040110401040

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Archimonde250 89570358499999
Doomfire64 5545112653600
Anetheron24 877641465592
Rage Winterchill21 8371415592935
Unquenchable Flames10 9391010931250
Ghoul9 013330044581
Abomination6 96010696791
Shadowy Necromancer6 693233463617
Azgalor6 52479321810
Towering Infernal5 980229903372
Environment4 752411883161
Crypt Scarab4 26613328373
Fel Stalker3 0146502607
Gargoyle2 62946571149
Giant Infernal7741774774
Shadow Word: Death2451245245

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Svebe744 48942917357623
Lurzh302 03614620686854
Dahakon258 61321212195138
Deghos206 61912916014835
Hlr202 74215812837609
Imbacoil182 6568122556875
Hipzu173 02211115585088
Cablos172 07514312035287
Ashie167 8346725047097
Archsin161 9758419285361
Pehu149 83113211354839
Blitzkriegs128 18911810864905
Axu123 9995821375408
Zendog107 2566017877168
Zabang102 9745319425280
Rognar84 1355116495090
Erid52 1344411843601
Xfactor49 7532619134691
Deluvia47 8242717715285
Shiark43 6152418173749
Nevynn42 5802219354681
Buga37 5361919754802
Sipe29 7431816523599
Nekograd10 390714842376
Gazethiel7 739612893523
Thootom2 152210761326
Köysti1 7322866896
Timmi1 6982849884

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Deghos206 61912916014835
Shiark65 6282229835121
Nekograd49 1651728926884
Erid48 1362221886475
Deluvia39 5871526394861
Xfactor24 4511813583803
Horde Healing Ward10 22028365365
Axu9 072372451417
Gazethiel8 745108743331
Nevynn5 90469842477
Healing Stream Totem VI5 45139139140
Archsin4 91210491625
Hipzu3 50412292526
Sipe1 9002950950