
View Axu's profile in the Armory.

Present from 20:22 to 20:25 (92 %)
DPS time : 3mn (100 % of presence), DPS : 1148
HPS time : 0mn (3 % of presence), HPS : 384

Damage dealt to foes : 221 740 (4 %)
Damage received : 23 624 (2 %), heals received : 56 145, overheal on this player 58 %
Effective heals on friends : 640 (0 %)

Dmg. OutTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Starfire (Arcane)192 02787 % 3628643270155926671429 %1,9 %2,6 %
Moonfire (Arcane)27 11512 % 77568084343648721525154322 %2,8 %
Insect Swarm (Nature)2 5981 % 12216230
Lifebloom1 921100 % 112041204514314467 %
Dmg. InTotal%HitsAvgMaxTicksAvgMaxCritsAvgMaxCrit%Miss%Resist%
Shadow20 81288 % 10208132488,8 %
Fire2 81212 % 128122812

Miscellaneous gainedTotalTicksAvgMax
Vampiric Touch (Mana)10 98720354218
Mana Spring (Mana)1 500602525
Spellsurge (Mana)170171010
Nature's Grace16
Lunar Grace4
Spell Haste3
Blessing of the Silver Crescent2
Drums of Battle2
Prayer of Mending1
Ancestral Fortitude1

Dmg. OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Teron Gorefiend221 74011619116714

Dmg. InTotalHitsAvgMax
Doom Blossom20 8121217343248
Teron Gorefiend2 812128122812

Heals OutTotalHitsAvgMax
Axu1 92163201204

Heals InTotalHitsAvgMax
Finl34 437215160655
Erid5 417227082750
Shiark3 602136023602
Deghos3 152310501332
Xenic2 931214651676
Nekograd2 620126202620
Xfactor2 065210321039
Axu1 92163201204